How easy OS upgrades should be

I just upgraded my slice from running Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon to the newly released Ubuntu Hardy Heron.

The upgrade process:

  1. Login machine
  2. Execute the command “sudo do-release-upgrade”
  3. Answer a few “Do you want to keep this older file or use this new file?” questions.
  4. Done!

File this one under “That was easy.”

How easy OS upgrades should be

2 thoughts on “How easy OS upgrades should be

  1. What made you decide to upgrade your Slice? I guess I just don’t see the point of upgrading an Ubuntu machine that’s only used via a terminal. I also recently upgraded to Hardy Heron, but that was on my desktop machine and I pretty much only did it for the gui updates.

  2. Hey, Brent! I was just curious of the process mainly. I had never used the update-manager-core before. That and Slicehost will probably start doing their Ubuntu tutorials from Hardy. They already have an article on installing mod_rails under Hardy ( These tutorials will probably still work for older versions but it’s nice to know you are starting from the same point before going into the unknown. 🙂

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